Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Off the Face of the Earth?

I'm back on the face of the Earth, and I've done a bad thing. I've been knitting behind your back. So sorry, but things have been moving at 100 mph lately and I can barely keep up. I'm starting to think that Mr. Furbee got off lucky!

So what's been on the needles. Well, most of my friends seem to be popping out babies these days so I'm WAY behind on the booties & bonnets. I've finished the first pair and working on the second. I'll post some pics. They are so tiny (and so cute). It's it GREAT to be able to finish a project in a weekend!! Love it love it love it!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Death of a Furbee!

I have had many days when I've felt like this, but it hasn't actually happened to me yet. Can't say the same for Mr. Furbee.
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You know how these things like to talk and just chatter on and on? Well, apparently he made some pretty, snide comments to Miz Shawlette that she was none-to-happy with. You know what happens next - OFF WITH HIS HEAD!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On

Whew. It's been a while, but we've accomplished quite a bit in the move-in, fix-up, unpacking world in which we live. And - GUESS WHAT -- I've got AFTER pictures for you. I hope you're as excited about this as I am. If you need to go back and see the BEFORE pictures, CLICK HERE.

First, as a little teaser, let's take a look at the dining room.

I know. There's really not alot of difference - except for the furniture. We didn't do alot of "work" in there. Moving along down the hall, we come to Sting's room:

I don't feel like I can get a good angle for the pictures, but I really like the colors she's chosen. We haven't painted it yet, and you can't see the, umm, PSL ("workroom") yet, but it's getting there.

For the big FINALE - the "Pepto Bismol Pink" bathroom:



I wish I could take some of the credit, but that was all Seymour. I did pick out the color (sand/light chocolate brown), the light fixture, and hardware, but he did all the work. (Hey, picking out the colors is a HUGE accomplishment for me. But lets not bring up the whole Mexican bathroom fiasco, okay?) We haven't put the new hardware on the sinks, and we may replace the countertop, but I sure like it MUCH better than the before!

Sorry, that's all I have for right now. The other rooms are a tad messy. And, it's Easter weekend and gotta get ready to do some travelling. Have a safe, wonderful, blessed weekend, because Charlotte said so. Or else ...

she'll get ya!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Happy Anniversary to Us!!

Yahh! A year - and they said it wouldn't last! And what a year it has been! Time flies when you're having fun. Yes, that was the cake topper that we had on our wedding cake. We went out for a nice anniversary dinner - just us and the girls. Here's some lovely, unflattering pictures below.

Wow - we look wasted, but seriously, we weren't. The Diva looks possessed by the devil, but that's normal. Only one year ago on April 1st we were joined in Holy Matrimony.

Seriously. I'm not kidding. For reals. We were married on April 1. Come on, would I kid you?

P.S. Thanks for the wonderful cards and gifts! They were all really great!