Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Secret Pal secret present!

Wow - Wow - Wow!! I just got this HUGE box from my secret pal. I haven't opened the card yet. I was so excited with all of the gifts in the box, I had to post a picture right away! Here it is:

Look at all of the GOODIES! It's like Christmas in August!! I've got some patterns, the Knitting Answer Book (Lord knows I need that!), a 2007 planner, stitch holders (which I need too), hand cream, spa treatment, stickers, double pointed needles (baby bootie size!) , a Tide to go pen and so much more (whew...)! There is also some very incredible .... should I say 'decadent' ... yarn! Oh my, this will cause problems. When I get really nice yarn, I have a hard time deciding what to knit with it. I love it sooo much I'm always afraid I will "mess it up." I've signed up for a couple of upcoming classes, so I think I will save some of this (mmm, the Silk, or the BEE-YOU-TIFF-FUL Cherry Hill or ...) for the class. Then, I'll be knitting "supervised" and there will be someone there to be sure I do it justice and not mess it up.

Now, I'm going to open the card and REVEAL just who my sensational secret pal is ...... (you find the BEST cards - I love the dragon flies!) ..... AAAAAARRGGGG I didn't get a name! Well, I hope I find out who you are so I may thank you "in person" (or at least on your site).

We are all just so excited around here, but I think Bandit sums up how I feel the best:


VACATION - all I ever wanted ...

Yep, we're leaving vewy, vewy soon for vacation but we'll be back before the end of the month and the end of secret pal. I can't wait to plant my big butt in that chair, lay back in the sun, turn up my ipod, and start BKIP (beach knitting in public)!

I hope I've been a good secret pal. It was my first time so I sort of stumbled through the whole thing. But, I've really enjoyed the experience and loved receiving the gifts & cards from my SP.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hello Secret Pal!!

Thanks for the lovely card I just received. It was gorgeous and so sweet! I can hardly wait for my next surprise. But, I have to admit, I really enjoy receiving such wonderful notes from you. Mmm, do I want clues as to who you are?? Well, that would just give me one more thing to do ... and with my time management skills lately, I better pass. I'll just wait until the end for your big "reveal." (If that's okay with you.)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I know, I know, I’ve been very, very bad. I haven't posted in quite a while. Our cable was out for a while, then I got busy, blah blah blah. Isn’t it strange when you’re so busy that you don’t have time to write anything. Then, when you’re not, you sit down to write and it’s like, let’s see – what did I do? …… ah, nothing. What’s up with that?

But I’ll try to make up for it – quickly. Let’s see, my niece had a baby boy, so now I’m a Great Aunt (again), but then again, I thought I always was a great aunt (snicker, snicker). And what did I make the baby? The aforementioned Angel Blanket, a Kimono, (from Mason Dixon knitting) with a matching hat (from One Skein).

Also the cutest pair of booties that you have EVER SEEN (Dockers from Rowan Babies) and another matching hat. I can’t believe that I have knitted and FINISHED so many things. Knitting baby stuff rocks! It goes quick.

So now, I’m working on 2 new baby blankets for friends. I’m doing the Dishrag Baby Blanket and I’m LOVING the yarn/colors I’m using. (I'll post that soon.) But I'll leave you with the new born posing with his blanket!

At least I know I picked the right blanket - the Angel blanket for the Angel baby!! :-D