Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I've Got Cable!

Back to the good stuff: This is my first Knitalong (unless the Knitlympics count) and my first attempt at cables. I LOVE IT! Who knew? Cables - or at least these cables - are very easy to do. I'm using some Rowan Cork that I found on clearance at LYS and this yarn rocks! I'm definetly not a yarn snob (yeah, I got fun fur and acrylic - so what), but there is something about this yarn (my first Rowan too). The color is a purple/maroon color. The yarn is lightweight and a little "springy" in texture. Well, here's what I have so far:

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

A Picture is Worth ... How Many Words??

As we take one final look back, this is the outside view of our new ("used") house. We totally LOVE it! I think we all (cats, dogs, kids) are starting to feel like it is home.

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Thinking back, I'm not so sure what we were SO WORRIED ABOUT? Moving wasn't that difficult - not that big a deal. Everything went rather smoothly. Piece of cake.
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Maybe a little hectic, tiring ... okay, EXHAUSTING!!

Friday, March 17, 2006

House Porn - Take Two!

As we leave the kitchen, (passing the front door), you see the hallway and the steps. There are two bedrooms on this floor.

On the left is the downstairs master. This is also known as the Guest Room, but it is where the Diva will sleep when she is here. We are putting our old Queen bedroom suit in here. Lots of windows and a HUGE closet. (Don't you love the red light fixture? NOT. These people definitely had some attraction to red.)

This is the downstairs bath between the 2 bedrooms. (That whole flower thing you see on the left - don't ask.)

This is Sting's room which is on the front side of the house. It has some kind of bamboo wallpaper - which we think is actually kinda cool. And, it totally fits Sting's personality. The closet area has no door (for some reason) so we think this will be some kind of work area (with a desk and shelves).

Now, let's go upstairs!! This is looking down from the catwalk in the living room (say hi to Seymour!).

As we move into the master, you'll see the lovely purple walls or maybe you won't! Sorry, I guess I forgot to take pictures of the master bedroom. How bizarre. Anyway here's the master bath with - ta dah - pepto bismol pink walls. I TOLD YOU - you thought I was exaggerating!

This is the only picture I have from the master bedroom. It is the window which looks out over the living room.

That's all I have for now. Isn't it enough? I'm worn out just walking through this much of the house. I still haven't shown the unfinished basement, bedroom, and washroom, but, honestly, there isn't much too see there. But just wait until I start posting the AFTER pictures! I think it's starting to look good. Next time, I'll get some serious photos up here (of my current knitting projects)! Have to get back to the infinite unpacking. Uggg!

House Porn!

Okay, I'm finally back online and I have NAKED pictures of our new (used) house!! You walk in the front door and you see the living room:

Love the fireplace, skylights and vaulted ceilings. If you can't tell, the sliding glass doors are very wide (about 7 ft) and there is so much sunlight!

What's the downside - you ask? If you turn to walk back to the foyer, you see "The Big Red Wall." Don't ask me. Yeah, it's one of those things we will try to change! You can also see the upstairs catwalk to the master bedroom and a window into the master.

Now, while you're in the foyer, if you turn to your immediate left, you'll see the dining room. It faces into the front yard, has huge windows and skylights.

Immediately past the dining room is the kitchen.

Yes, more windows and a built-in wine rack. Hmm, that may come in handy. Uh, yeah, that is BRIGHT RED COUNTERTOPS you are looking at (we're working on it). I hate those cabinets too. Yuck. They will be replaced (eventually). All the applicances are OUT right now and we'll be getting new ones tomorrow. NO, the baskets are not mine - leftovers from the prior owners who decided not to return and get their last items. And, YES, that is the little cheeries wallpaper. I know it look likes plaid, but TRUST ME - it ain't! That's getting painted today. The kitchen window looks out into the fenced in back yard, where you can see Charlotte:

Oh PLEASE! You don't expect her to be sitting on the GROUND to do??

Since we're in the kitchen, let's take a break and have a cup of coffee, shall we??

Monday, March 13, 2006

Movin' on up!

We've moved! We're in our newhouse! We've got a whirl-pool. We've got a hot tub. We've got sky-lights. We've got a gar-rage! I can't stop talking like-thisis! Okay, I'll try. It's starting to give me a headache.

The house is a mess - boxes everywhere. It needs some work and some lovin'. We're having some painting done on Thurday & Friday. Goodbye little cherries kitchen wallpaper & pepto bismol pink bath. We have new kitchen appliances coming on Saturday. New bedroom furniture on Friday. Hot tub cleaners coming on Saturday (i.e. "the kids"). What? You wonder how the sunken whirlpool bath works in the master bath? It's marvahlous, darlings! Just what the aching back, feet, shoulders, neck and legs need.

Pics will be posted soon. As soon as I get it all back online.

Oh, the Irish Hiking Scarf - you gotta see it. It's beautiful, if I do say so myself - and I do - have to - cause it is! Can't believe how simple the cabling is. It's my first. Gotta run now. What a great week!! TTFN

Friday, March 10, 2006

Excuses, Excuses

I know I haven't blogged much about knitting lately. I've been a little slack since the Games. Right now, we're in the middle of a house move. Out by this Sunday and into the new on Monday. Wait - how's that work? So, other than sneaking in a few midnight stitches, I haven't been ALLOWED to knit. (Whatever that means!). But, I'm making progress on my Holiday Red Poncho. And, planning the future, I've signed up for the Irish Hiking Scarf Knitalong and the Sexy Knitters Club Knitalong. Can you say Peer Pressure?? The Irish Scarf has cabling which I have never done. I'm really excited about it. And last night I found some beautiful green yarn (it has to be GREEN, right??). I'll sneak in some pics later. Wish me well with the move. It's going to be a NIGHTMARE!!!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tell Me Something I Don't Know ....

You Are Miss Piggy

A total princess and diva, you're totally in charge - even if people don't know it.
You want to be loved, adored, and worshiped. And you won't settle for anything less.
You're going to be a total star, and you won't let any of the "little people" get in your way.
Just remember, piggy, never eat more than you can lift!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006