Sunday, May 14, 2006

I'm a Little BeeHind - Short & Stout ...

Where does the time go? Gosh, I'm soooo behind. I've started things, finished things, got a secret pal, became a secret pal and yet, there's nothing new out here! Shame on me! Let me catch you up by showing you those bootie and bonnet pictures.

Of course, that's not a REAL baby that's wearing them. It's Gabby the Cabbage Patch girl doing a little modeling. Both of my friends are having/had a boy, so I went for the blue & white combo. I''ve mailed the packages off, but haven't heard anything back. Uh oh - that might not be such a good sign. The booties did have that whole elf-like pointy toe thing going for them, but that's only because SOMEONE cough-cough wouldn't email me their pattern for REALLY CUTE booties!

While I'm talking about babies & presents, let me give a shout-out to my favorite gift to give. I'm told by all the people who receive this gift from me that IT REALLY WORKS and they love it! It's a CD (or cassette) or sounds (such as the vacumn, clothes dryer) that seem to soothe a crying baby. I believe it was created by two ladies who live in my area (Richmond, Virginia) and who were/are both nurses. All I can say is that everyone I give it to is AMAZED at how well it works. I think the only place you can find it now is at So, if you're in the need, please check it out.

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