I do, I do! After a couple of "false starts," Bobblicious was finally starting to take shape.
GO ME! Finally, progress is being made. It looks like I've completed the qualifying round and may be moving into "competition."
WAIT - what's this?? Oh no, it's a
SIAMESE BOBBLE!! Where did that come from??
Shoot, being an Olympic Athlete is quite the challenge. I guess I really shouldn't knit while watching Bode Miller, Plechenko, Joey Cheeks, and the other male athletes that compete in those snug little jumpsuits they wear. Do you think that had something to do with this accidental double-bobble I knitted? Hmmm, one can only speculate. Sometimes, you have to put down the needles and
But that doesn't make me a quitter. Actually I felt it might be a bit more of a challenge to try to finish SOMETHING during the games. So, I picked up something safe, like My So Called Scarf. Done - fini - complete - chalk one up! I really like it!
The funny thing is this was my first yarn that I bought to practice on when I took my first knitting class in November. It ended up being a long, garter stitch scarf which (to me) closely resembled a potholder. So, I got in a mood, ripped it up, and ta-dah - a scarf I actually like! Thanks to Sheepinthecity for the pattern!
So, now I'm trying to decide - should I start something a little less challenging - like say - an AFGHAN or is it back to Bobbilicious? I think I'll wait for my breathing/heartbeat to return to normal before I make that decision. Hope everyone else is hanging in there!