Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Secret Pal secret present!

Wow - Wow - Wow!! I just got this HUGE box from my secret pal. I haven't opened the card yet. I was so excited with all of the gifts in the box, I had to post a picture right away! Here it is:

Look at all of the GOODIES! It's like Christmas in August!! I've got some patterns, the Knitting Answer Book (Lord knows I need that!), a 2007 planner, stitch holders (which I need too), hand cream, spa treatment, stickers, double pointed needles (baby bootie size!) , a Tide to go pen and so much more (whew...)! There is also some very incredible .... should I say 'decadent' ... yarn! Oh my, this will cause problems. When I get really nice yarn, I have a hard time deciding what to knit with it. I love it sooo much I'm always afraid I will "mess it up." I've signed up for a couple of upcoming classes, so I think I will save some of this (mmm, the Silk, or the BEE-YOU-TIFF-FUL Cherry Hill or ...) for the class. Then, I'll be knitting "supervised" and there will be someone there to be sure I do it justice and not mess it up.

Now, I'm going to open the card and REVEAL just who my sensational secret pal is ...... (you find the BEST cards - I love the dragon flies!) ..... AAAAAARRGGGG I didn't get a name! Well, I hope I find out who you are so I may thank you "in person" (or at least on your site).

We are all just so excited around here, but I think Bandit sums up how I feel the best:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful box, your SP is so generous, hope you find out who it is soooooon :) xx