Monday, February 06, 2006

Bobbleheads Unite!

Hello my bobble-challenged friends! You're out there and you know who you are! Just wanted to let you know I found a few additional sites that have bobble-tutorials. I haven't tried them yet, but, at least it will give me some options. One site is: Pie Knits and another is and finally - a VIDEO can be found here: DIY Network

I'll let you know which one works best for me! Let me know which works best for you. Good luck! (Three days and counting - I'm sooo excited!)

OH - I almost forgot. You can also get help straight from The Bobble Master. Just take a look at what a perfect bobble should look like:

Ahhhhh - only in my dreams!!

1 comment:

Cerella said...

Girl, check out my blog to see the Bobblicious I made. It didn't turn out soo cute. Oh, well. I'll guess that I'll try again.....and again....and again.......Agh! :)