Friday, March 10, 2006

Excuses, Excuses

I know I haven't blogged much about knitting lately. I've been a little slack since the Games. Right now, we're in the middle of a house move. Out by this Sunday and into the new on Monday. Wait - how's that work? So, other than sneaking in a few midnight stitches, I haven't been ALLOWED to knit. (Whatever that means!). But, I'm making progress on my Holiday Red Poncho. And, planning the future, I've signed up for the Irish Hiking Scarf Knitalong and the Sexy Knitters Club Knitalong. Can you say Peer Pressure?? The Irish Scarf has cabling which I have never done. I'm really excited about it. And last night I found some beautiful green yarn (it has to be GREEN, right??). I'll sneak in some pics later. Wish me well with the move. It's going to be a NIGHTMARE!!!!

1 comment:

Amy Lu said...

Oh, good luck on the move! That's exciting! Have you claimed space in the new house for your knitting? I'm trying to convince my hubby that mines needs it's own bedroom, so far no luck.